Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Musical Thrills

So my steady walk through the metro station was most pleasently interupted when the sound of lilting flutes and rolling drums met my senses. They were wildly clothed. Abundence of brown leather, earthy tones...long hair bound by beads and feathers - they were native indians.
In the metro station. Playing such music that transports the mind and leaves the body in its constant motion unknowing. And away I went to and icy autumn's eveing on the shores of a grey ocean. Turbulent waves outdone only by the passion of the fire flames kept caged by a circle of stones.

And the flutes were there too...the drms played as well- but people were there. Colourful people. With long untamed hair, with skirts and trousers of hues varied...with scarves that flew in the wind, with smiles on their faces and energy in their step. They were dancing through this cold night, circling this vibrant fire that leant heat to heat and created a night of music and passion.

And her scarf was caught by the cunning flew in magical billowing waves through the iced air...flew into the dark, away from the gathering and into his open hand.


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