Wednesday, October 08, 2003

One Life.

As one wanders thorugh the first world mindlessly; in search of the warmth of the sun's rays; in search of the familiarity of smiles, one may wonder at the sheer emptiness of concrete aisles and paved the echo through long, incredibly straight allies.

But here too one finds beauty. There is a serenity in the heights of the skyscraper that challenges the world, that dares to conquer nature as it were. There is an egotistic pleasure derived from one's reflection on the walls, on the glass windows and shiny doors.
There is a flair in the individuality of those who surround. The role of 'observer' becomes graciously accepted and magnificently rewarded; for people are beautiful.

This creation. The human body; its curves, its recesses...its subtle features capture the essence of beauty and lends itself marvellously to perfection. The adornments...the colour, the lack of colour...the piercings delicately placed...the art burnt into enternity 'pon the skin...all make this creation the more valued.

For what is more boring than the multitudes of conformity?...were we all nude, what redundance there would be! The philosopher says to deny material attachment, to rid one's mind of hedonistic desires..
I say indulge.
Take on the pleasure of the world as the beneveloence of the creator. See that sensual awakenings, the material bonds are all emobodiments of the eternal energy that pervades.

Feel the heat of the lights on the runway as you strut with pride in every step. With the knowledge that you carry beauty itself in your chest; that you are desired by those who see, you are wanted, craved for.
Hear the applause, the infatuated screams of the crowds and let it make your head spin. Be tied by that illusion that is this world and enojy it.

Fall in love with the physical, with the chiseled features of a face, with the colour of the eyes, with the taste of the lips, with the sensuality that becomes the body.

Caress. Kiss. Breathe.

Get lost in the arms of another and let the bond that forms be your God.



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