Tuesday, December 02, 2003


So from the so very wonderful "Moulin Rouge" : "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return"

by these standards i believe i remain a rather unintelligent barbarian...;(

its so completely fucked up - this whole 'love' thing - like how does one tell the difference between love and an obsession? or is love an obssession?
what is it with the human nature that makes it so inherently lonely - so in need of companionship and then why does the gender affect any of that - and then why is 'marginalisation' even a word that exists

*frustrated look*

So he exists - so i latch on to an idea - a conception of someone perfect - a resemblance to someone i once knew and perhaps 'loved' very much - but does the idea latch on to me? - will it ever be complete?


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