Friday, October 10, 2003

Reminisce C

The Hours go by so quickly that time itself becomes not eternal but transient. I stop. Everything speeds by me and in a blur I stand, the observer.
My perception slows - I reach out and catch the rain drops in my hand as tears from above. People walk by in their colours; the scarves, their shirts filled with wind.
The woman on the corner...stocking clad legs long, brilliatly red nails with the cig wedged between. Poppy red lips pouted; thin, lazy filaments of smoke emerge into the dense air and dissapears. Such is life, such is the past- that it happens and then its over - with nothing but a heavy scent left behind; a reminder of things gone by.

To reminisce. To be once more in the company of the cherished group of elite; and be as carefree as the school boy whose greatest concern goes not beyond dealing with 'evil' teachers. ;) not even.
We were once one. And we remain.

I miss you people so bloody much - its unreal...its an empty feeling; the knowledge that those who have become all but biologically part of you are just so far away...such that moving on becomes near impossible - simply because nobody can ever match your worth.


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