Tool Guy part 2 ;)
RE : this blog
So yes im sure we all remember the drop dead gorgeous and tremendously shy Tool Guy...well i most certainly do. I ran into him recently - well at least I tried very hard to run into him, but I guess saying 'hi' was enough for the moment. He happened by, holding two cans of paint in his hands and I made it an almost exaggerated point to reach over and say 'hi' - this ofcourse prompted his so very cute boyish grin and I swear to God he blushed...
Later that evening, after work when everyone save a few us matching the sales and auditing had left, I met him one more time - this time though, in the restroom...of all god forsaken places! We chatted briefly - he's actually a really nice dude, worth exploring for sure! ;) its only as i was alking down to the Metro station that i regreted not fully taking adantage of the situation....but o well, such happens.
Lets hope the next time I run into him will be an event truly worth blogging about....
RE : this blog
So yes im sure we all remember the drop dead gorgeous and tremendously shy Tool Guy...well i most certainly do. I ran into him recently - well at least I tried very hard to run into him, but I guess saying 'hi' was enough for the moment. He happened by, holding two cans of paint in his hands and I made it an almost exaggerated point to reach over and say 'hi' - this ofcourse prompted his so very cute boyish grin and I swear to God he blushed...
Later that evening, after work when everyone save a few us matching the sales and auditing had left, I met him one more time - this time though, in the restroom...of all god forsaken places! We chatted briefly - he's actually a really nice dude, worth exploring for sure! ;) its only as i was alking down to the Metro station that i regreted not fully taking adantage of the situation....but o well, such happens.
Lets hope the next time I run into him will be an event truly worth blogging about....
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