Sunday, January 29, 2006

So I'm in a much better mood today :o) Lord alone knows why!

Went to see CR - an old friend...its only been three years here in Canada, odd that I already have 'old' friends. She is a sweetheart. Now living with her fiance in a very nice apartment. Was a pleasant evening.

I meant to blog about Z yesterday, before the whole bad mood thing happened. He and I went to Parking again on Thursday - we had a blast. This is perhaps the only guy on the face of earth who sincerely confuses me. Maybe he's bi...hmmm Well I've yet to make a number of him so we'll see :)

Met with a Japanese dude last weekend (D) It went okay. He's not really my type and quite frankly the chemistry does not seem to be there - but I'm to be 22 in under a month and I've not yet once been in a relationship - my life is so not going to turn out to be anything like "the 40 year old virgin" - or at least this is what we are hoping!

god what a nightmare!!

Anyway, so things are as they are and no better, no worse. I'm falling into routines and norms, soon I'll be speaking quebecois at a bar drinking beer on Friday nights surrounded by others doing the same.

Or maybe I'll fight to regain some flair for things wonderful and theatric that perhaps was never there to begin with. Maybe I'll end up with a condo with a view, candles and wine on the terrace and the lights of the city as stars on the earth. Till then, I live through you...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that I WILL be that 40 yr old is horribly dispiriting

3:23 PM  

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