Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Another day *yawn*

All jokes and exagerations aside, bowling was quite fun...though I successfully proved that I'm in certain need of practice, I'm sure I may flatter myself and declare that I at least showed signs of promise. ;)

This morning saw me half asleep on the metro to Uni simply because of this bloody 8:30 a.m. class that I have this semester. But shock of shocks, when I did mange to yawning-ly tumble into class - caffine-less to boot - the prof was not there....in comes an administrator who laughingly tells us that the prof is nowhere to be found and that perhaps there is a chance that he is in Europe - or some other random part of the world - because he was apparently given a travel grant to be used not too long ago.

*sigh* such is my lot.

So they downsized that staff at work - am gald to actually still be employed - and much of the eye candy has vanished. :(
But, alas! the 'out of sight, out of mind' theorum may come into full swing sending a number of minor and one major obssesions into oblivion...yay!

All in all, I sense that today is going to be a very sleepy one - so through some weary yawns im going to sink all my troubles in a cup of hazelnut flavoured coffee. *mmmm*

And in response to the question on the comments on the last blog -am I Brit?- O blazes! I jolly well wished I were!



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