Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Blanche-ian Moment.

So I'm on my way through the metro station last night and my attention is suddenly snatched by this woman who begins singing ever so loudly...her voice carries through the tunnels and soon everyone is turning randomly to catch a glimpse of this odd woman who, without warning, breaks into shrilly, hysterical laughter...

I step onto the escalator and as chance willed it, she stepped next to me. People push past her, pushing her closer to me, closer still, till she herself wraps an arm around me...drawing her face nearer to mine. She smelt of alcohol and cheap perfume...her english was bad as she asked whether she was being overly suggestive (ummm well DUH!!) ...as i pulled away, stepping one step down she cried out, 'you can, yes you can!'

At last I walked free of the crazed woman with the fire of pity...almost bordering on empathy...burning within. I felt the woe, the sad state of this woman who became for me the real life archetype of Blanche from 'A Streetcar Named Desire' - what prompted her to kiss the boy?....what prompted this woman to seek the same from me?

It is a sad life when love and acceptence are so elusive that we run after them in dazed confusion wreaking more harm than we could ever imagine...


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