Friday, August 05, 2005

I live!


I've been unforgivably silent for far too long - no need for excuses, we'll just accept things as they are for their own sake.

Summer actually did not turn out to be as amazing as I had initially expected it to be - but then things seldom ever turn out the way you want them to. Not that summer thus far has been has been good.
There was much and severe partying...discovering new clubs, terraces and varied flavours of Sangria. Its been a summer of peach schnapps and cognac with peppermint schnapps, JD and Ginger ale, fine wines and Jamaican rum of course.
It has been thus far a summer of women. I've so many wonderful friends of the fairer sex and we wander around like Lord and Harem to the horror and pain (I'm sure) of all the straight men who know for which team I play :)

Alas, it has also been months of dying relationships and non-starters that caused some dissapointment. But these all happen and are as inevitable as times own movement.

The Pride Parade I missed, because the genius in charge set it fo a Monday night when I was working. I did, however, enjoy the festivities of Pride Week which, of course, involved vists to Parking and a simply fabulous Drag show...:)

Anyway, more to come as time allows...I trust that you my beautiful friends are all wonderful and yet gorgeous. I see you all wrapped in fine silks and satins on lush cushions surrounded by elegeance and wonder, your faces bright with smiles...if none of the above be true, at the very least let there be smiles :o)

with much love from Montreal...

Accross the Looms that keep Us together
These People form my World

lunar phases