Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Spring Rains

It is finally here. Though the days following the crisp equinox carried still the wintry chill, the hours of the present are cloaked in the warmth of Spring. The Lady of Spring wears her twisted wreath above her brightening curls. Her blue mantle hangs over us spotted delicately with clouds and her lilting laugh rings through the still bare trees as the birds begin their song.

And the rains fall...intermittently. The cool drops that linger in my hair and run off my black coat bring with them their own dense greyness in which the heart revels.

On to the updates: Got myself an apartment! *yay to the power n where n is very very very large*
Its small...but warm and im sure with a few hedonistic touches it will simply perfect. Am moving in the first week of July, so I've ample time to do the whole shopping thing - and well of course there is the little period of exams that occurs somewhere between then and now - hmm -

Work is great - what with ever growing quantities of eye-candy *sigh* - this summer had better been fulfilling ;) filled full that is.... *grin*

So I sign my lease on Friday...can't wait - independence looms - one can almost shudder both with excitment and sheer fear.

Also finally got the pictures from the little screen to the big screen - just have to post them now - perhaps on sunday ;)
Anyway guys, have a great one!

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

So I watched this indian movie and quite literally felt my IQ level fall - was such utter nonsense! Had to resort to the likes of Oscar Wilde to regain some composure. ;)

Am nearly Frozen - but the hope of spring lingers....

the equinox greeted me with a pleasant veil of snow and the joys of an independent summer await....

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Randomly random

Life is for the moment uneventful - can now tie a pony tail *grin* - work is fun, school is stress - the usual nah.

And through clouds of heady incense comes the image of the Divine pair locked in a fragrant embrace on the banks of the still river. The moon is reflected in her closed eyes and on his sublime face, bent low to catch the jasmine's scent from her hair.
What love manifested in the purest way known to the human!

I hate extremists!! Was trying to convince a friend of Blake's views on the horrid nature of legalistic morality - of the purity of the human soul and its desires - was unsuccessful to say the very least...this world is not for me.

The sun's gloden round creeps gently up the sleepy skies as birds stir in thier trees. I open my eyes and for the first time the morning lies as gates thrown open to a day of heaven for I see in his eyes the deepest wells of love. O to quench my thirst from such a fountain! *I dream on and on*

Raaja ki ayengi baaraat, rangeli hogi raat...magan mein naachoonge.
The groom's procession will come, in all the colours of the night and I will dance to his heart's content....

Its something about the wedding shehanais (trumpet-like musical instruments) that wakes within me a feeling that is dangerously beautiful. Beautiful, because I love see his face through a sehraa made from the whitest jasmine and watch as he holds her small face in his warm hands...their smiles lighting up the crowd.
Dangerous because its never going to happen.

May the sun smile upon you!

Wednesday, March 10, 2004


So my crush wants to go sky diving in the summer - yup sky diving! Thing is, I'd love to go sky diving myself - there could be something of the adventure seeker in me to would go to the limits of skydiving but not as far as bungee jumping kinda thing...

here's the funny part - apparently one gets a group dicount at the place he's going and well the smallest group is a group of two....the the thought (and the picture) flashed in my mind : We dramatically jump off the plane feeling completely out of our minds and as we come crashing to earth I pour my heart out to him.

hmmm think the double dose might be a tad bit much? *grin*

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Blanche-ian Moment.

So I'm on my way through the metro station last night and my attention is suddenly snatched by this woman who begins singing ever so loudly...her voice carries through the tunnels and soon everyone is turning randomly to catch a glimpse of this odd woman who, without warning, breaks into shrilly, hysterical laughter...

I step onto the escalator and as chance willed it, she stepped next to me. People push past her, pushing her closer to me, closer still, till she herself wraps an arm around me...drawing her face nearer to mine. She smelt of alcohol and cheap perfume...her english was bad as she asked whether she was being overly suggestive (ummm well DUH!!) i pulled away, stepping one step down she cried out, 'you can, yes you can!'

At last I walked free of the crazed woman with the fire of pity...almost bordering on empathy...burning within. I felt the woe, the sad state of this woman who became for me the real life archetype of Blanche from 'A Streetcar Named Desire' - what prompted her to kiss the boy?....what prompted this woman to seek the same from me?

It is a sad life when love and acceptence are so elusive that we run after them in dazed confusion wreaking more harm than we could ever imagine...

Thursday, March 04, 2004

A Snowy Morning.

Out of the dark nights lit only by shaded lamps and lusty candles I come into the whiteness that this day has brought. Where bodies once writhed in the luscious pain of the rhythms ;) and beads of sweat cooled the heat of passion, there is now a vision of utter calm.

The morning has brought a gentle veil of snow and a silence almost palpable hangs delicately poised on every branch, every cloud...every transient cloud of breath. All beings move as if in a dream and the dense coolness embraces the senses.
The sun awake now, lights around me the white expanses and if i search within i see myself lost in this white light.

Snowflakes fall...the atmosphere ideal for the existence of the most perfect flakes - starry flakes that cling to my eyelashes together with the dreams that have clung there for so many hours...

There is a song that when loosely translated says "that unfortunate thing called love; one never knows when it comes, when it goes...but it reamains just long enough to show you heaven" - odd that it should come to mind now!

Wednesday, March 03, 2004


Jaisi hava mein urjaate yeh panchi,
O mere humnasheen,
Urjaaye hum kanhin!

"Like the birds flying in the wind,
O my beloved,
Let us fly off somewhere!"
Tool Guy part 2 ;)

RE : this blog

So yes im sure we all remember the drop dead gorgeous and tremendously shy Tool Guy...well i most certainly do. I ran into him recently - well at least I tried very hard to run into him, but I guess saying 'hi' was enough for the moment. He happened by, holding two cans of paint in his hands and I made it an almost exaggerated point to reach over and say 'hi' - this ofcourse prompted his so very cute boyish grin and I swear to God he blushed...

Later that evening, after work when everyone save a few us matching the sales and auditing had left, I met him one more time - this time though, in the restroom...of all god forsaken places! We chatted briefly - he's actually a really nice dude, worth exploring for sure! ;) its only as i was alking down to the Metro station that i regreted not fully taking adantage of the situation....but o well, such happens.

Lets hope the next time I run into him will be an event truly worth blogging about....

Accross the Looms that keep Us together
These People form my World

lunar phases