Wednesday, August 02, 2006

O time, do tarry a while.

Lord knows if anyone even reads this blog for my lack of updates must utterly annoy what few readers there were to begin with.

Well - its not that anything great has happened. Just that it is one of those rainy nights that inspire the fingers. Actually it's a combination of things.

The Pride parade was other worldly - beautiful. Met a boy. Called him - don't know that there is anything to be sought after there. Who knows anymore.

My feelings for Anit are on a pendulum as it were and at the moment am rather disinterested.

Actually, life on the whole is very frustrating right now. It feels like there is a veritable block in my way and getting past is a task my frail soul is not yet ready to undertake.

Accross the Looms that keep Us together
These People form my World

lunar phases